Spring is in the air …. blossom

It’s the middle of April, Mercury Retrograde is almost over (ending on the 23rd), and Mother Nature seems ready for spring – though not quite considering some of the back and forth in weather she currently provided where I live!! 
Yet, looking outside into my yard I see that the trees and flowers are ready, soaking up every little ray of sun, dancing in the wind, beginning to blossom.  

What a wonderful sight it is… just as the flowers, trees and plants are getting ready so are we – hopefully.  
The time for reflection, for contemplation is almost over; time to step up and blossom; time to stretch and release any limiting thoughts.  
Yes, have you tried this?  Go outside, “smell the flowers”, see the trees and plants reaching and then… how about lifting your arms up high … stretching yourself physically… ready to embrace all that is?  Try it … because once you stretch the physical you can begin to release more of the emotional limitations! 
Now, don’t get me wrong, you may feel silly doing that at first and you’ll likely try this in your backyard with no one watching … you may even constantly look around making sure no one is watching. Yet, after you’ve done this a few times, maybe even after the first time, with deep breaths of life filling you up so beautifully,  you can feel the sensations in your body, you can feel the release, you can feel the stretch and how wonderful it feels. Once you’re connecting with that feeling you probably don’t want to let go of it again. Quite to the opposite, indeed.  You’ll want to do it more often.   
Of course you do.  It wakens all your senses, the breath of life integrates all aspects of your body, who would not want more of that marvelous sensation?  The more often you do this you’ll soon enough find yourself no longer hesitating to open your arms and embrace all that is regardless of where you are and who’s watching.  
I remember when I used to just step outside the house to dance in the rain with my arms wide open, or walking from the office to the car in the pouring rain and just lifting my arms up, lifting my head up and taking it all in.  When the sun’s out I also lift my head and smile back at the universe; I take in all the blossoming of the natural worlds, talk to the squirrels bathing in the sun or playing without care in the world.  Yes, I talk out loud to them … I know … by have you tried that?  
When you lift your arms, open your arms, open your eyes, and your heart that is when you allow the universe in; that is when you allow yourself to let go of limitations.  
It is time now to release those long-held beliefs that limit you.  It is spring, it is time to blossom, it is time to shine and share, time to re-awaken from the winter rest.  Yes, it is time.  It is time to step up, step forward, and shine your light, share your talents, and stand proud in who you are , with your head high and your arms wide open. 
Remember, spring is the time to blossom so go with the flow of Mother Nature and blossom in tandem with her.  You can be sure you will receive more support than you can imagine.  Just release the baggage holding you back !  It may take some work but the benefits of being in the flow and having your own light reflected back onto you are well worth.  
Don’t hold back.  
Stretch all aspects of all your bodies and BE PRESENT in the springtime, in the blossoming time.

Peace & Love, N