Have you heard that comment made to you lately?
Have you made that comment lately?
It’s amazing how in the last few weeks more and more people have come up to me, mentioned a statement like this, and then seemed so disappointed. Well, the first thing that I tend to inquire about at that stage is:
- “What does that mean?”
- “Whose truth have you seen?”
- “What truth?”
In my mind I am also asking “whose truth” … but more about that later.
So, you’ve seen the truth in someone, maybe this is someone whom you have considered to be a good friend and suddenly you see something that you term “truth” and you don’t like it. Fair enough.
That’s why I ask “what does that mean?’ Is that something in a person you don’t like, you didn’t expect, you don’t want to see? -- again, in the back of mind is a different question…. Stay tuned.
Let’s talk about this “truth” and this friend. What did this friend do or what happened for you to suddenly the “truth”? Honestly, something had to occur, right? So, what is it? If you hesitate to tell me … or anyone else, especially the person in question – then let me ask you: is it the truth in that person or is it your truth or maybe … it’s an interpretation of truth? After all what is truth and whose truth are we talking about?
Yes, those are the lingering questions in my mind when approached. I don’t mean to make this sound more difficult than it is but “truth” is a very “stretchable” concept, especially in our world today where so many are guided by fear. If you hesitate to tell me .. what does that mean about the “truth” – is it real? Are you afraid to speak it out loud? Do you fear repercussions? Do you worry that maybe the other person – or anyone – could explain and it’s not “the” truth but “one” truth after all?
If you are certain it is “the” truth about that person – why hesitate? Honestly, look at those times in your life when you hesitated… why did you hesitate? In most cases that I have hesitated it was because I was not 100% certain, if I was certain there was no need to hesitate or to hide. So … “the” truth – why can’t you share it with me if you are certain it is “the” truth?
Yes, this is where I go to that “whose truth” in more direct ways. Of course, you see it as truth and so it is but what if it’s just “your” truth, not definite truth? Meaning that maybe another can explain and add “their” truth to it simply by adding more information. Have you tried that? If not, why not?
That’s where the different question in my mind begins to move to the foreground: “what are you not willing to admit in or to yourself?” I know it may sound harsh to some degree but … let’s take a look at this.
You see “the” truth but you won’t share it with anyone …. So maybe somewhere deep inside you know that there’s a way to …. Mhmmmmmmmmmmmm…. “debunk” it or make it less 100% accurate? Are you willing to go there? Are you willing to take a look at what role you may play in “this” truth? If not – that’s your choice and you’ll go your way, if yes – that’s your choice and you’ll go your way.
So either way, you have a choice. Since I believe that the path towards your own inner self, your core, your true journey requires self-reflection I would advocate the second choice; that choice includes reflection and therefore, learning from what happened while the other path (in my mind) simple takes you on a detour to a possibly similar situation sometime in the future that will try and teach you the same lesson, just in other ways and likely in harsher ways.
That said, every reaction we have to others is a reflection of our own inner selves, our own inner balance or lack thereof. Why are we disappointed in the other? If we are disappointed we must have had certain expectations… did we share those expectations with the other? Where do those expectations come from? Were/are those expectations justified? And more to reflect upon… once we start looking at the situation from that angle we may just be able to fully understand the situation. If we hesitate or avoid this reflection … what are we possibly learning from it?
So, if you see “the” truth in someone … how about checking out “whose truth” you’re seeing and why you’re seeing it. If you’re angry, disappointed, upset, or blame the other person – are you taking responsibility for your own life or are you giving your power away? … yes, if you’re seeing truth and blaming others for it or anything else in our live…. Who has the power in, for an over your life? Just wondering …
Getting back to seeing “the” truth in someone… Let me share with you for a minute – if, for example, I believe I see the truth in someone (and I don’t normally use that terminology) then I look at that person, at myself and I am filled with gratitude. Seeing something I had not seen before is a gift to me, whether I like that gift or not – remember sometimes we only recognize the value of certain gifts long after we’ve received it. I while back I saw “the truth” in a person, I saw a side I had tried to avoid seeing, I finally was able to see all aspects of that person. Initially, it was a bit painful because I had trusted that person, and whenever we trust and then see unexpected sides of a person we tend to react with pain, hurt, and often anger – not to mention disappointment.
So then … after reflecting and considering that person’s side, my side, everyone’s side and everyone mission, plus my soul contracts I realized … this was good to see. I had to see it to move forward, I had to see this and work through it to shed another layer of social conditioning from myself. So it was an amazing gift. I was unable to blame the other person for this – there is no blame; this person did what s/he come to do and I learned my lesson the minute I let go of the veil of illusion and opened my eyes to what was really there. After learning my lesson I was able to move on, forward in my case, forgive myself for not seeing it before and feeling waves of gratitude towards that person for teaching me.
Yes, I had to forgive myself because often when we “see the truth” we blame the other but if we’re honest we’re upset with ourselves for not having seen “this” before, we feel cheated or betrayed or …. by the other while really this is our lesson to learn and so … gratitude comes into play. Once you have truly reflected on what you’ve seen, your interpretations and all the only way you can really call it “truth” is if you have no emotions other than gratitude for having learned an important lesson on your journey.
If you feel anything else than you may want to go back and see… “Whose truth” have you been seeing?
How about it?
Have you seen “the” truth lately?
Then share and see “whose” truth, how, and why.
It may be crucial for your current evolutionary path!
Peace & Love, N