Have you noticed that we seem to get sick when we least want it or can least “afford” it? Have you ever wondered why that is? Have you ever wondered why certain body parts hurt more than others? What happens when we get sick?
Of course, that’s a very expansive topic so let’s just stick – for today – with something most of us can relate to: the “common” cold. Have you had the cold? Are you having it now? Why did you get it? Why did I?
Well, I can speak for me but more to that later..
Many people will say we get the cold because of the weather changes or because it suddenly was raining and we were not dressed appropriately and … yes, so many reasons are being given but then we have to ask: how come we don’t always get sick in those circumstances but only at certain times?
AHA, here it is… we’re beginning to unveil the deeper reasons – could it be that you haven’t listened to your guides and the messages that have been abound? Were you asked to take a break because you were overworked or is there a decision you need to make but are trying to avoid and by keeping busy you can avoid it? And then… BAM.. you get sick. So then, let me ask again, why are we getting sick? Indeed, you see what we’re getting at: we didn’t listen to our guidance and we are required to take time out; for whatever reason necessary.
And then, what do we do once we’re sick? We’re getting upset, we try to fight the symptom often by getting over-the-counter medicines and if they don’t work we get stronger ones from the doctor. Of course, sometimes those get us out of the deeper sickness but … are we really getting “healed”? How can we truly heal a cold -- or any other illness for that matter?
How about, when we get sick we sit back and start looking for the root cause with gratitude that our guides are providing us the opportunity to heal ourselves, to eliminate some issues we need to deal with or they will keep holding us back? Yes, it may seem like an inopportune time at first but … if the guides “make us rest” it means this is the time to deal with the issue because we have asked for that warning sign.
So then, what do you do next? If you’re not sure what the issue is – because we have a tendency to not see what’s right there for various reasons – start looking at what hurts: our physical body tells us in detail what the root cause is or what the root causes are. What are you not providing to your bodies (all your bodies that now has them rebel against you?)
For example, if your main issue resides with the throat: throbbing, hurting, on fire, you cannot swallow – then maybe you want to ask yourself “what am I not saying” or “where am I not speaking my truth”? Then investigate that … is there something you’ve been meaning to say to someone or about something that you’ve been avoiding because you feel it may hurt someone? So instead you keep it to yourself and it’s clogging up your throat chakra, preventing you from moving forward with love and compassion. How can you provide the peace again to you bodies?
For example, if your main issue resides with the throat: throbbing, hurting, on fire, you cannot swallow – then maybe you want to ask yourself “what am I not saying” or “where am I not speaking my truth”? Then investigate that … is there something you’ve been meaning to say to someone or about something that you’ve been avoiding because you feel it may hurt someone? So instead you keep it to yourself and it’s clogging up your throat chakra, preventing you from moving forward with love and compassion. How can you provide the peace again to you bodies?
Or maybe, your head hurts, a bad headache, maybe close to a migraine… so then ask yourself “am I living in my head or in my heart”? You mind may be in overdrive and is not ready to handle all that material because the mind is just a tool, we’re to live from the heart, from love.
Or maybe your ears are clogged by the cold ..what would you ask yourself now? Where would you look to find the root cause? What do you think? Any ideas.. yes .. there may be something you’re “sick of hearing” or something you “don’t’ want to hear anymore”. Good…
So now we’re getting the picture on how our body helps us identify the “real” issue… then what? Now we need to address it. This is where the real work comes in! Now we need to examine all aspects of this issue/cause and then work through it, forgive, let go, move forward with love and compassion, and often that means changing our approach to a situation or a person as only we can change ourselves. So there’s the work you’re being asked to do to keep moving forward on your path.
Yes, of course, professional medical support and advice will help you through this and is often a good choice to have during times of illness but in the end, healing the root cause is up to you as only you know yourself – or if you don’t then maybe you’ll be asking a medical intuitive for help (because, yes, this is what we also do as medical intuitives, we’re able to help you identity the root cause of any medical condition and then you have a choice to work on it, in addition to continuous or beginning professional medical treatment). Once you have identified the issue always know it’s your choice on whether to work on it or not and how. The important thing is to realize that you have the power the heal yourself and that any sickness or any time where you are “taken off your feet” and away from the buzz of the world that keeps you so nicely occupied, that is a gift from your guides – a wonderful gift to help you move forward.
So – I’ve been sick for two weeks and yes, I know why and I’m working through it … I am accepting what I cannot change and am changing my attitude towards situations and people that are making up the root cause. I am filled with gratitude for these past two weeks that have helped me deepen my connection to myself and my inner light while clearing out stuff that no longer serves me so that I can move forward on my path knowing my guides are on my side, protecting and loving me.
What about you? How are you handling your sickness – if any?
Peace & Love,