What a nice day it is... the sun's out, the wind's blowing wildly... and I can sit inside and do what I'm here to do. For the last few days some thoughts have consistently been brought to the forefront of my mind; you know how it works... something you've often thought about... keeps just coming back again and again... so, I know this is what I'm to channel about today:
Alone in a crowd -- are you?
I remember the first time this happened to me.. I was relatively young.. in the first instance it scared me .. I was wondering "why" .... then I began to enjoy the scenery unfolding in front of me... standing there.. people talking me to and me replying somehow but really being "all one" within myself and then stepping back again physically as well... I tend to do that a lot.. feeling the energies, I suppose.
Now in that instance I wasn't just standing "outside" I actually had added experiences, which taught me so much more about myself than I was able to grasp back then and now.. I enjoy it.
The other day I was in a big crowd, and it was fascinating to me to observe people in this special environment... all were there to enjoy the attractions and events but they seemed to be in a hurry, often with stressed looks on their faces, some pushing strollers aggressively to get other people around them to move out of their ways; then there were others who allowed everyone to cut in line, made sure that families and groups stayed together, enjoyed different foods, laughed and smiled; then there were others who were enjoying yet observing ..... fascinating to see that multitude and yet, we're all there supposedly for the same reason...
Have you been in situations like that?
I am happy "all one" in a crowd or physically without someone else around, happy with my loved ones or without someone else around; all these are experiences that help me know who I am, allow me time to look inside and explore who I am, what I am and who I like to be around, who I need to be around, and answers the "why's".... just sharing... to me it's a beautiful thing to be able to choose... to learn from observations and, yes, it helps me understand my purpose even more deeply because I know I'm always put into different situations for different reasons.
Just sharing... just thinking...
How often have you found yourself feeling lonely?
How often have you found yourself wondering why you are where you are?
How often have you found yourself wondering if anyone really knows you?
How often...?
Questions are abound but as always.... there's reason;
yes, there's a difference between being alone and being lonely -- a topic for another time, maybe -- but for now let's focus on "alone."
What a great word: "all one" ... are you all one when you're with yourself?
Just wondering...
Let's talk about a crowd of people ... and you in it... yes, it happens often, doesn't it?
There's a lot of people around you daily: at work, at the grocery store, while driving, at the party, at the gaterhing, at the coffee shop, and ... yes...so many other places.
Now think about it... while in the crowd, have you at times felt like you're not "fitting in" or "you're not really there?" Somehow you are on the outside looking it?
No, it doesn't need to be a bad feeling, just a sense that somehow you're not quite "in" the crowd -- nothing bad about it, it just is sometimes.
Have you had that sense?
If so - how did it make you feel? Did you feel alone? Did you start to worry? Did you... what did you feel and what did you do?
Many people are scared when that happens... have you noticed?
Socially many have been conditioned to fit in, to blend in, to be a fully "with" and on the "inside" .... and then what?
So, what is your reaction to noticing you're outside?
One thing that is beautiful, for example, when that happens, is to begin to observe others and yourself.
Yes, observing your own feelings and reactions to such a situation is crucial as it's all about knowing yourself, right?
But observing others is also important in those moments -- how are others behaving, what are they doing?
You can learn a lot just by observing... yourself and others!
You can learn so much about others by their actions and behaviors in crowds.
You can learn so much about yourself.
What can you find out about yourself and others this way?
For one, are they "all one" with themselves or are they just trying to "fit in" - and what about you?
Are you "all one" or trying to figure out the different pieces?
These are important aspects if you think about it... do you want to be an individual in full alignment and integrity with yourself, knowing every aspects of who you are or do you prefer to mold yourself around others' needs and belief systems?
It's a choice .. no worry but at least be aware of the choice... then you are in integrity :-)
Peace, Love, Laughter & Harmony,