Change … have you noticed?
There’s so much change all the time and still so many don’t like change… isn’t amazing that the one constant in all our lives is the one thing so many don’t appreciate or try to run away from? And of course, the argument is that they like things to be constant …interesting paradox.
Nothing ever stays the same and Mother Nature, once again shows that to us so beautifully these days… every day is different, weather predictions are … just that … predictions and more often than not these days here in MD they are not quite met by Mother Nature…. February has been an interesting ride .. March looks to be the same – ever changing
For me … life’s been filled with changes and the last 6 months … wow … mostly unexpected changes but every day I see how they help my on my path. You know, often we see an open door and we are worried about going through that door because of the question “what if” … yet, the “what if” might be good, have you noticed? Most changes that we’re experiencing end up helping move us forward, develop more, grow more. Of course, not all of it seems like that at the time but sooner or later we have that moment, that amazing moment of “duh”! And it all makes sense.
The fear we often have is based on our social conditioning, not our own heart and intuition because why then would we think or consider or notice the possibility of change in the first place? For example, if you’re thinking about ending a relationship – it came up for some reason, heart reason (maybe even just that you need to learn to more appreciate the other but still) and so what is the fear? Often the fear is “what if” I end up alone, or “what if” I leave and others think I’m crazy, or “what if” I leave without having all my finances in order… just as an example because I think many of us have gone through that at one point or another.
Sometimes the changes affect us in ways we didn’t anticipate and we make them even more difficult than they have to be … even if deep down in our core, in our heart we know there’s a reason and we may even know the reason … we still sometimes create struggle. Isn’t that funny – we’re trying to fight the inevitable because that is the only constant. Plus, we change every day anyhow … a little extra grey hair maybe, or another little “laugh wrinkle”, or a different insight then we had yesterday, a different appreciation of the food we eat… but we often dismiss those constant ones as not “real” changes. Why is that? Maybe it’s because we’re used to them and they don’t scare us while “big” or “real” changes, those that are more easily noticeable by others and us have us question the purpose of change.
Interesting .. I’m must asking … so often we hide behind these walls, these “safety nets” that we have created and that keep us from feeling, from being truly who we are, from being in touch with our core… because it saved us all the times before from being too hurt. It’s about hurt often, isn’t it?
A dear one is going through that at this time. He’s doing his best to adept but he clings to the images, boundaries, parameters he has set for himself that with a major life change that he tried to avoid for the longest times (and is related to his calling and his lesson) he can barely function right now. There’s nothing he can do about the change – well, he could but he chose to accept it because of the associated choices he made… all those are based on love and being a protector. So here he is facing an inevitable change, trying to adjust but barely able to function knowing in his heart that this is something he always longed for but unable to admit it. Fascinating, isn’t it? Why do we fight change so much?
Once we go with it, accept the change, accept that it’s part of us .. then we flow and life is easy and simple because we trust. We trust that the pieces of our life’s puzzle are beginning to move into the right places for the whole puzzle to become one and beautifully finished. We may not know all the pieced or what the puzzle will ultimately reveal but we can trust that the puzzle exists and will be put together, right?
So let’s think about it: What changes are you experiencing?
And even: What changes are you trying to resist? (Don’t worry we all have some ….)
If we take a look at those maybe we’ll get to know ourselves a little better, trust a little more .. and appreciate all the little and big changes in our lives….
Peace & Love, N